Чортківська загальноосвітня школа І-ІІІ
ступенів № 5
Формування комунікативних
навичок учнів
через впровадження інтерактивних форм навчання
на уроках англійської мови
(самоопис досвіду)
З досвіду роботи
вчителя англійської мови
Чортківської ЗОШ
І-ІІІ ступенів №5
Лотоцької Ганни Іванівни
2011 р.
“The formation of pupils’
сommunicative skills
through the interactive
teaching methods”
Relevance of the experience
Current stage of the development of education in Ukraine is characterized by educational innovations. A characteristic feature of this period of the pedagogical education development is the search for the new contents, forms, methods and means of education.
Competence approach to learning foreign languages is considered as such means of organizing teaching and cognitive activities of students, which will provide mastering the contents of learning by them and achieving the goal in solving certain problematic tasks. Modern pedagogy defines several groups of competencies. However, the basic competence in foreign language lessons is communicative competence, because it provides pupils’ ability to discuss the problems, to prove their own position, to form their own point of view, to develop critical and creative thinking and adapt in a linguistic environment. The most effective ways to implement the communicative approach to learning a foreign language is the use of interactive teaching methods.
“Easy” in form, interactive training is extremely hard for the teacher as it requires much time and energy. I have been working as a teacher of English in the secondary school № 5 for 10 years. During this period I realized that the teacher should not only know the English language and methods of teaching, but should be a good psychologist, able to convey this material to students. As the teacher of English, I am working on the problem "The formation of pupils’ communicative skills through the interactive teaching methods at English lessons."
Theoretical basis of the experience
Interactivity in learning is easy to explain by this verbal structure derived by educators and psychologists’ experience in ancient times:
What I hear, I forget;
What I see and hear - I just remember;
What I hear, see and discuss - I begin to understand;
When I hear, see, discuss and do - I get skills;
When I pass on knowledge to others - I become a master.
The term "interactive" came to us from the English word "inter" - mutual and "act" - to act. Thus, interactive is able to interact.
The methodological basis of my experience and its practical implementation is based on the Law of Ukraine "General Secondary Education," National Doctrine of the Development of Education , "Concept of General Secondary Education" as well as on the research and theoretical development of the well-known teachers O. Pometun, I. Rodyhinoyi, L. Pyrozhenko, T. Remeh, O. Mokrohuza, I. Yakymanskoyi, M. Makhmutova.
By the definition of Pometun A. and L. Pyrozhenko: "The essence of interactive teaching is that the learning process is a constant and active interaction among all students. This cooperation, mutual learning (collective, group, learning together), where a student and a teacher are equal and understand what they are doing. "
Technological background of the experience
To implement the strategic goal of experience, to create conditions for the development and fulfillment of each personality is impossible without taking into account the following conditions: knowledge of age characteristics and the level of communicative competence of students, familiarize them with the features of interactive methods, the gradual introduction of interactive methods of learning, continuing work on the development of skills of group interaction.
Communicative competence is characterized by a number of student abilities that are in speed, depth and strength of the mastery of means and methods of work, such as:
- the ability to listen, to perceive and reproduce information;
- to act in a dialogue;
- to participate in discussions;
- to negotiate;
- the ability to argue and defend their point of view, that is to communicate.
Modeling of problem situations, a permanent organization of cognitive activity of the students in the classroom provides the interactive communication, which involves the exchange of views, ideas, feeling between the interlocutors, the ability to think critically and creatively.
The last researches conducted by the National training center (USA) show that the interactive training allows to increase the rate of learning sharply, because it affects not only the student's mind, but his feeling, the will (actions, practices). The results are shown in the diagram, called the "Learning pyramid". The pyramid shows that the smallest results can be achieved under the passive training (lecture - 5%, reading 10%), and the largest – through the interactive training.
The essence of the experience
Working experience allows to estimate the potential of interactive teaching technologies from the position of its adequacy to the task of forming communicative competence of the students.
The object of the experience is the process of forming a competent personality of the student.
The subject of the experience - the interactive teaching methods.
Methods of researching the problems:
In my practice I often use the following methods of researching problems:
- the observation, the analysis;
- the introduction of interactive techniques during training sessions;
- the introduction of elements of the analysis of work during the lesson, introspection, mutual analysis;
- the development of the didactic material, testing tasks;
- monitoring of the quality of students' progress;
The purpose and objectives of my experience:
1. To identify the possibilities of interactive methods in forming communicative competence of students during English teaching.
2. To substantiate and experimentally confirm the effectiveness of using the interactive methods as a part of the formation of a competent person.
The hypothesis of my experience
If you regularly use the interactive teaching methods at the lesson, you can expect a high-quality formation of the communicative competence in students, which in turn will contribute to:
1) productive absorption of educational material and skills development;
the enrichment of social and communicative experience of pupils;
the development of cognitive activity and motivation in students.
What should the teacher do and which result from the standpoint of activity approach is indicative in the formation of communicative competence? Teachers’ activity
Uses dialogic methods. Organizes discussion. Urges to express their own opinion. Stimulates substantiated response. Teaches to ask questions and respond to them, offers written work (essay, report about the trip, a letter to a friend). Creates a problematic situation, practicing protection of creative works and projects. Students’ activity
They are able: to express an opinion, and prove it, to make the report, to write a thesis, a plan summary, to make presentations of their papers and projects, to ask questions to students and teachers, to answer students or teachers’ questions, to identify their mistakes, to adhere to cultural communication.
Therefore the basic forms of education is group and class. The first involves the interaction of small groups of participants (in practice from 2 to 6 people), the second - to cooperate in learning. Discussion in small groups - 3-5 minutes; speech delivering - 3 minute; in frontal work – 1 minute.
Group teaching methods include: work in pairs, work in threes, "Changeable three", "Two - four - all together," "Carousel," "Aquarium".
Frontal methods include: "Big circle", "Microphone", “Uncompleted sentences," "Brainstorming," "Mosaic." The effective application of methods and techniques of interactive teaching requires detailed planning work at the lesson, as a rule, the structure of these classes consists of five elements:
1) motivation;
2) announcement, presentation of topics and the expected learning outcomes;
3) providing the necessary information;
4) an interactive exercise is the central part of the lesson;
5) reflection, summing up.
Components of effectiveness and successfulness of the lesson:
Deep theoretical + careful planning + creativity and teacher’s
knowledge the lesson preparation
Difficulties in implementation of the experience
- initial diagnosis of pupils’ knowledge and skills of the subject;
- teaching self control and mutual control skills;
- evaluation of the students’ experience level;
- organization of group and pair work.
Practical implementation of my experience
Working with this problem for the first year, I implement the interactive teaching methods according to the logic scheme "from simple to complicated," use a parallel frontal and group methods. Among them work in pairs, small groups. I also use the "method" Microphone ". And after learning a certain topic I conduct a summary lesson in the form of games, discussions, project work, written in the form of composition.
During the second year I‘ll use the methods: “Unfinished sentences” and “Two –four – all together”.
During the third year I plan to use the methods “Brainstorming” and “Carousel”.
During the fourth and the fifth years I’ll use the methods: “Big circle”, “Aquarium”, “Mosaic” and “Discussing tree”.
Conclusions and results
So, during the interactive training students learn to think critically, solve complex problems by analyzing situations and relevant information to make thoughtful decisions, participate in discussions, communicate with other people.
Interactive methods open new possibilities for effective interaction of a teacher and a student: the teacher becomes a mentor self-disciple, leader in the information space, and student in turn, becoming the subject of cognitive life during the lesson, takes personal competencies.
Interactive learning develops pupils’ commutative skills, provides educational purpose, teaches them teamwork, relieves nervous stress.
Stand dynamics of quality student achievement proves the effectiveness of implementation of experience and justifies the feasibility of using interactive methods for the formation of a competent personality.
Training sessions for me and my students is a constant search, the joint work, based on trust and a mutual desire to achieve the desired result.
With certainty, I can say that the way the teacher will interest the students with at the first English lesson and promote the comprehensive development of the child, and such will be the outcome.
Information sources:
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Пометун О. Як оцінити діяльність учнів на інтерактивному уроці // Доба. – 2002. - №2. – С.2-6.
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